Apple Blocks Palm Pre Syncing With iTunes

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The way Palm has been releasing updates for the Pre, I'd say we'll have an update countering this by next Thursday. Really the only true way to make iTunes only sync with Apple products is to have a list of all serial numbers in iTunes and request the serial number from the device when it connects. Even then Palm can give all the devices a single serial number from any of the millions of Pod products sold.

Why are people using iTunes anyway? The only thing it has is the App Store which you probably wont use if you own a Pre.
When will people wake up and realize that Apple has gone rotten a long time ago? Come to think of it, it was already starting to go bad from day one.
It's not exactly Apple's fault...

As for the Pre Palm users, this is a great thing! They will now be able to find an actual good alternative to iTunes such as Mediamonkey or they could organize their files themselves and do a far better job than iTunes will ever do. Not to mention their computers will run faster without all of those unnecessary processes that come with iTunes.
Wait, people are getting upset because a loophole was closed? Buying a product from company 1 and expecting company 2 to support it (without getting paid for it) is stupid. But, too many people nowadays think that everyone else should give them whatever they want.

However, Apple has a monopoly going on. If Microsoft had reached their level of market saturation, governments would be all over them. The days of Apple whining about being the underdog are long gone and governments need to accept that. Apple needs to be treated just like Microsoft.
Easiest way to fix this- Don't update itunes. I haven't for a while (2 reasons, one being that itunes SUCKS in the first place, the other is that I'm lazy). If you're dead set on using itunes, just don't update, and you're set.

Palm Pre>iphone
Okay fine no reason that Apple has to let Palm Pre users access iTunes, but isn't it a paid thing? I mean, don't you BUY the music off of iTunes? Seems to me like Apple would want the cash from paying customers who weren't interested in an Apple hardware product.

But then, that's always been their motto, and the main reason they've never been any competition to Microsoft. 'Screw you, we don't want your money if you won't buy our hardware!' Well, guess what, they don't get any of my money, period.

The comparison between Apple with iTunes and Microsoft is so blatently false that i really do not believe that so many people repeat it, and worse yet believe it.

First Microsoft used market share to force computer makers do what they wanted, include X and exclude Y or else you don't get the discounts on licensing or don't get licensing at all.

What has Apple ever forced on anyone with their market share in the Music segment? Do they force any hardware manufactures to include iTunes in their products? Do they force anyone, including ipod users to actually use iTunes? Do they use their market share and cash reserves to drive down prices and force minimal profits from their competitors? How exactly did they leverage their 6% market share of the PC market to force everyone to use their program and their music store over everyone elses?

They didn't do anything to reach the #1 music spot except offer a player and a store for buying music to put on the player as an easy to use combination that the consumer liked more than all the other players combined. The consumer made them #1 and not because they were forced.
You know if this was Microsoft’s baby they would have lawsuits’ all over them for changing their program to smash competitors but Apple can do no wrong. Like storm says im not saying that Apple should have to update their software around Palm but you can’t hold 2 different companies with different standards. If Microsoft ever made ITunes not work on a PC you could guaranty a outcry. Simple solution if you do for some mad reason want to sync your palm with Itunes use the older version.
This is exactly why I don't like apple. Mac laptops are awesome, even if they are ridiculously overpriced, but I still wouldn't buy one because I can't get behind any company that wants to stay completely closed and proprietary. It stifles innovation, it's bad for technology. Creative labs and nvidia with their proprietary api's are guilty too, they have some cool stuff that won't catch on if they don't cross license it.
In another post Microsoft have been quoted saying "Windows 7 blocks devices pretending to be a useful media device, including products from Apple"
I think everyone is raging on and on about the Pre being shut out of iTunes and not thinking about all the other implications that came from what Palm did to make the Pre sync in the first place.

From what I have read here , other tech sites and after some googling for information, and please correct me if i am wrong on this as I have no access to a Pre to know if its true, that Palms programmers (ex-apple ipod programmers) created a bit of code that when connected to itunes recieves itunes polling for a ID ipod/iphone serial number and ramdomly generates a fake number to spoof the program into thinking it is an older generation ipod and opening up all the sync capabilities itunes has to offer.

Forget about the fact that they ignored completely documented ways to do this already. What i would be more concerned with is how this effects security of information in iTunes.

Using their code could anyone with a Pre sync up to anyone elses itunes? I mean does it bypass other aspects of the security in iTunes, which i have read is limited anyways? Does it let you have access to any information that is not normally auto-sync'd with iTunes? Did it provide a base for those of less than legal intent to produce a plug in auto-breaker for getting a persons private information and finacial institution information or allow for the spoofing of content purchases onto someone elses account?

i do not know the answers to these questions myself and would very much like to hear even an explaination as to exactly how it was done and why none of my questions are possible using their work around.

"Why are people using iTunes anyway? The only thing it has is the App Store which you probably wont use if you own a Pre."

I use iTunes because believe it or not downloading music is legal in my part of the world no matter what the source is as long as you don't spread around those files your fine.
You might wonder then what that has to do with iTunes well its simple iTunes does a way better job at presenting the files with semi correct titles then other players.
I am sure there are players that can do the same or even better bu i have jet to find one that ignores ID3 or ID3v3 tags as well as iTunes does.
Yes your reading this correct the positive thing about ignoring the messy tags from the torrented or newsgroup grabbed mp3's is that when imported in to iTunes at least the shown information will be consistent while those same mp3's in other players require me to change the tags.

Yes i am lazy but then again who isn't ?
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