Apple CEO Tim Cook Teases 'New Product Category'

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* I can't imagine it have a battery with enough power to last more than a couple of hours due to the limited syze of a wrist watch. Unless they make it bulky but I really doubt that.
Another Apple article! Great time to mention once again how much I hate the new comment system with its slow loading and error messages at Tom's and that the only thing good about it is there's no 20 thumb up limit.
Let me guess... A 6MP camera (as opposed to a 5) on an iPad? Or maybe a bottom facing camera(?)?

Or a new type of power/docking connection on the next iPhone rendering all of your current accessories useless?

Or square-cornered circle-shaped iPods?

Or smart feminine hygiene products?

I can't wait for the latest Apple innovation! These are exciting times we live in!
what he's is trying to tell you is that they have added yet another product(!) to rip you average people off.
i think ryan stiles may be cast as him in an epilogue scene in a movie about the end of apple's golden days.... or as a lead in 'begining of teh end'.... >_>
Apple stock has fallen close to 45% since reaching its high and I expect it to fall alot more. Apple is shiny junkware for the technologically preliterate.
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