Apple Launches iPhone Addiction Christmas Ad

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Does anybody else notice that the teenager seems to have no shared features with anybody? If you're going to cast a family at least make it look like they belong together 😛

Yes, because people need to watch a video of a family xmas gathering that happened within the last 24 hours, which they all just witnessed with their own eyes. Little Billy was participating in his own way, of course, albeit an entirely passive one. Thankfully, the family video montage didn't include the pictures of his junk that he was taking and snapchatting to most of his classmates during all of this.

Later that night the entire family got to watch his meltdown vid over the fact that his sister received a new iPad and he is stuck with the model from 6 months ago. Don't forget to turn off airplay, kids! Grandpa doesn't understand "the meltdown", and will just tell you to stop being a pussy. Old people, what do THEY know?
People are crying because he's got the iPhone 5S, but they were talked into the iPhone 5C, or couldn't afford the new phones.

They are suffering from buyer's remorse, or envy, and he's being cruel with this video. He's also got "64-Bit" subliminally added to the video as well, which further accentuates the shortcomings of their devices.

It's a very dysfunctional family when you look a little deeper.
@ta152h, wtf are you talking about 64-bit subliminally added to the video? 64-bit is a spec, a piece of information, that was never even mentioned in this video. Wow, you guys seriously over analyze everything, especially when most of you have an innate hate for apple that it eventually leads to your own mis-judgements.
it would be more believable if he were actually RECORDING stuff. When your phone is pointed down and your thumb is typing, you're not recording. The commercial makes it look like he's participating when he's not; it makes him look like he's recording, when he's not.
@hitman40 I keep forgetting how stupid most people are, and assumed they'd realize I was kidding.

Forgive me for thinking you had an IQ of a donkey, although in other ways, you certainly would fit the description of jackass.
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