News Apple M1 Now Boots Gnome Desktop on Debian Linux

Insert Ryan Reynolds 'But Why' meme.

If you can only get the M1 in an Apple product, isn't the audience for this work extremely limited? Apologies if I'm missing something fundamental, the number of people who will pay for an M1-powered Apple device and then Nuke the O/S seems vanishingly small to me - can someone enlighten me?
Insert Ryan Reynolds 'But Why' meme.

If you can only get the M1 in an Apple product, isn't the audience for this work extremely limited? Apologies if I'm missing something fundamental, the number of people who will pay for an M1-powered Apple device and then Nuke the O/S seems vanishingly small to me - can someone enlighten me?

Because they can. Because they think it's fun, a challenge. I does not matter if only 10 people will use the result, it's all developed by volunteers. It has nothing to do with financial profits.
You don't have to nuke the OS. You can dual boot. And some software packages are designed to work well on Linux - so having a way to run linux natively could be quite helpful for some workflows instead of running via a container with decreased performance. I personally would like to see this succeed so that I can switch between MacOS and Linux depending on my development tasks.
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