Probably because you are already there, am I right?
I'll bite...
As someone who uses Linux, Windows and Mac the answer for me is no, I wasn't. I started my life off using Dos and Windows. Later I had to start using Linux for work and backing development, I used to do this in a VM, but then when the original OS X was released based on Unix the ability to be able to run linux scripts and workflows made development a lot easier. When Mobile came along I needed to be able to do Windows, Linux/Android and Mac/iOS. Mac is the only one that can do all 3. These days with ML it's all Linux based and macOS runs almost anything Linux does thus it's way easier to maintain and update tools are required for the work I do. For testing small datasets you don't need a farm H100s or even a 409x series. Large datasets are trained in our server farms. WSL can do most of this as well today, but WSL is still stuck somewhere between running something in a VM and somewhat integrated in with the rest of the Windows environment. Enough so that it's not a seamless experience the way terminal is on the macOS.
Other than performance issues with Windows 11, I don't have a strong opinion on any of the OSs, they all have their pros and cons. macOS at the moment just aligns best with what I do on a daily bases while still maintaining fairly easy to manage system (Linux desktops get a little funky, but have gotten way better in recent years).
All that being said, I wouldn't waste a penny on these iPad Pros. iPadOS in no way can leverage most of what an M4 offers.