Apple Stores Preparing Secrets for WWDC Announcement

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"AI is also reporting on separate claims that network engineers from Apple's retail headquarters in Cupertino visited several stores with a black box, disappeared into the server rooms and then left without telling anyone what they had been up to. According to AppleInsider, it's speculated that the engineers transferred a large amount of data to the stores' servers."

- HHHmmm... whatever...
(spooky voice) oooooohh sooooo seeeecreetttt

I can tell you for 100% sure that this is NOT what I've been waiting for. What I've been waiting for is Steve Jobs to return from the undead as King of the Zombies and turn all of his minion-sheep into flesh-eating ghouls to start the Zombie Apocalypse.

...I think Apple will reveal that they plan to care more about security and their customer's pocket and lower prices of their over-hyped
it is. the secret code that will self-destruct iPad 1's unless you have purchased an iPad 3 with the ac+... ROFL. ( already my iPad one is too slow... Making my iPad 3 is a lot better )
Will the iPad one explode
will the iPad want to explode
Will the iPad want to explode??
only June 12 will we know this answer to this pressing question... LOL LOL. LOL
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