News Apple Sues Rivos Startup for Alleged Theft of Secrets

Funny how when people leave Intel, amd or nvidia, it's just another step in they're career, but if they dare leave apple, they are thieves?
So let me get this straight... When Intel (or was it Qualcomm?) was faced with this same problem, I at least remember they sued the individual with proper proof, but Apple went for the Company instead with the assumption it was them who* asked their ex-employees to steal. So this begs two questions:

1.- Who the hell hired those rats in the first place? XD
2.- I hope they realize they have to have some pretty darn good evidence for that claim, otherwise it'll be so easy to file a libel counter-lawsuit or something?

I'm not saying they're wrong on doing it, but I'm just curious. Also, looking forward to the response from that Rivos Company. I wonder if they'll just settle by firing the individuals and not using any of the alleged information that was stolen.

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guess you miss the "allegedly asked some to take gigabytes of confidential information with them."
Nope, the keyword being allegedly. This is a good way to spread FUD on a new company.
Besides, gigabytes of data? It's the content, not the amount that's crucial, I have tb of data from old jobs. (All legal)
There's no way this is true. Every engineer these days gets lectured over and over again about the danger of IP theft (or even apparent IP theft). This is basically suicide for a new company to base their initial product off blatantly stolen designs.