Apple Was Aware Maps Sucked Before Launch

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it makes me wonder what apple does with all the money sitting around ? why don't they use to attract talented employees?(No pun intended)
I could've driven off a cliff. Or into a lake. Or all over the footpath mowing down pedestrians.

Ummm, owning any Apple product is like driving off the cliff of technology. Apple is about jailing, restriction, stealing, hoodwinking. Thanks but no thanks iCrap. Fortunately for Apple there are a lot of existentially challenged morons out there that need the Apple logo to give them a sense to "tech-cool".
If they only knew what "tech-cool" people think of iZombies.
With the degree to wish it sucked I think it is a given they new it was bad. I gather a bit of self-delusion made them believe they could push it out as is and update throught the crap release until it was good enough.
The only real way to improve maps is to just release it.. It needs feedback from everyone and criticism from everyone in order to improve. Maps has been around forever, you think google was the only one that worked on it? There have probably been many bug reports for google maps over the last 7 years made by every day users.
If you're found worthy, the apple maps app will tell you to drive off a cliff - thus insuring your ascendance to the holy realm where all the apple faithful are forever happy and wear white (or black).
it makes me wonder what apple does with all the money sitting around ?

They use it to patent troll, and to generate advertisement to keep their iCripples thinking they are
cool despite being technologically clueless.


They did hire a whole bunch of talented folks, the kind who managed to fool Samsung folks into believing that they were told in a memo to copy apple products
Apple and Google are at odds. End of story. Apple killed Google Maps on the iPhone to further lock down their hardware/software. They have no intention to let anything third party that is good be added to their phone. But I believe legally they can not banish forever Google maps. That is anti-competitive. Just like Verizon tried to sue Google for providing a free map and navigation tool which was better than their $10 a month application. They tried to force their customers to buy their app by removing the competition.

Either way it can not possibly end favorably for Apple.
i totally disagree with some of these comments....this kind of stuff happens with every type of software or hardware...nothing is perfect...i do agree that there should have been more done about trying to fix it but like i said, nothing is perfect...let's go back in time....even the space shuttles had issues and some even exploded in the air...there are hundred and thousands of engineers and software developers that make sure all systems are in working condition, yet accidents still happen.....i am sure that apple did all it could in the time available....please stop being ignorant
[citation][nom]vigorvermin[/nom]A iphone5 user walks into a bar...or a hotel...or a restaurant...[/citation]

You mean a iphone5 user walks into anything except what he wants.
Before: Employee - "Our app sucks". Manager - "Go back and work on it til you get it right"
Now: Employee - "Our app sucks". Manager - "Go back and work on an excuse why they are using it wrong"
Of course they knew, just like they knew about the purple lens problem. And they knew about the antenna problem in the last one.

Apple's number one concern is selling as many idevices to isheep as possible. Fixing issues with their idevices is a very distant second to selling them.

They knew people would still buy them with the problems, so why delay release to fix them.... They can just release another version in a few more months, sellit for another $500 and call it revolutionary for fixing the flaws. And the isheep will buy it again and praise them for it.

You gotta hand it to apple, they know how to work their target market.
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