Apple's Futuristic Campus Opens To Employees In April

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an orchard, meadow and pond within the ring’s interior grounds
Their "walled garden", if you will.
; )

How easy will it be to "think different," as the company's advertising slogan went, in the company's new Mecca?
Good one! With the prior mention of the public cafe and store, I was just imagining loads of apple fanatics making a pilgrimage there.

Perhaps the crowds will be so great they'll have to sell tickets or reservations.

At least they can do it with a clean conscience.
It would be nice to know how the energy inputs compare with a comparable amount of office/retail/dining space, built to more traditional specifications.

Anyway, this whole edifice seems like the kind of thing companies usually do right as they jump the shark. With their plans to build their own electric car now scrapped, I wonder if Apple has run out of options to sustain its astonishing growth. And with the future of their Chinese market in question, this could really be their high water mark.
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