Applications aren't loading, HELP


Dec 24, 2014
So I have been having extreme issues with my computer recently..mostly being my own fault. I tried copying all folders and files from my main hard drive to my new 1 TB one, not knowing it is not that I messed up how my computer loads now. The background is black, all my shortcuts are gone, etc. THEN, I thought moving the OS from my main hard drive to the 1 TB one would fix it, but that didn't fix it either, kinda made it even worse..can someone please help?
Sure. Choose 1 drive to be the Main Boot (C:) drive - if either is an SSD, make it that one. Make sure all your DATA (not programs) is backed up and download all the latest motherboard/chipset/usb/video drivers

1- install into computer only that drive u want to use for C: and only have a keyboard and mouse connected - no other peripherals
FRESH install windows on the drive, after deleting all partitions
2- when at windows desktop for the 1st time, install motherboard drivers, chipset drivers, usb drivers, in that order - reboot - run windows update at least 3 times (rebooting after each time)
3- then install video drivers (ONLY if you have a video card inserted in a slot in the motherboard) windows update would've covered the on-board...
Sure. Choose 1 drive to be the Main Boot (C:) drive - if either is an SSD, make it that one. Make sure all your DATA (not programs) is backed up and download all the latest motherboard/chipset/usb/video drivers

1- install into computer only that drive u want to use for C: and only have a keyboard and mouse connected - no other peripherals
FRESH install windows on the drive, after deleting all partitions
2- when at windows desktop for the 1st time, install motherboard drivers, chipset drivers, usb drivers, in that order - reboot - run windows update at least 3 times (rebooting after each time)
3- then install video drivers (ONLY if you have a video card inserted in a slot in the motherboard) windows update would've covered the on-board drivers, don't let it install drivers if you have a card
4- then install the other hard drive

now u have to install every program you want to run, but you can choose where to install it - the new C: drive or the data (E:) drive