Applications Not Loading On Desktop

Dec 7, 2018
This evening I finally began to come off a nasty cold I've had for the last few days, and I felt up for a gaming session with friends. When I booted up my PC and attempted to launch steam it refused to load. I recognized that my PC was running a little slower than usual and decided to give it some time. After minutes steam still hadn't loaded. I attempted directly launching my games; none worked. Then I tried launching my QUE system from corsair; also didn't work. The only apps from my desktop that decided to work were the apps I ordered windows 10 to start upon launch. Two things I found peculiar about this situation was one, that my toolbar apps and videos on my hard drive loaded fine, and two, when turning on my PC for the first time after the sickness I was greeted with a message beside a loading wheel reading "Fixing hard drive". This could be a culprit to my problem also. I went into my bios and turned on XMP for my ram and CPU but i limited my ram voltage to a safe number as my PC crashed when I had it too high. Thanks for any help and I'll be glad to go into more detail one on one.
Moved to SYSTEMS since this isn't purely a gaming issue.

My first step would be to check all your drive's SMART output since you received that 'Fixing hard drive' message.