Applications running slower than usual


Dec 20, 2010
I have been noticing on my friends computer, some longer starts on Windows Media Player with slow response, Internet Explorer takes a little bit longer to load. I noticed after I booted my OS, the start menu froze for a while.

There is no malware.
Tried CCleaner
ran Memtest and thats fine, and HDDs are fine (no bad sectors
Got tons of disk space in C:

any thing I could do to help these programs go faster?

HP Media Center PC
Motherboard: ECS Nettle3
AMD Phenom Quad Core 9500
nVIDIA GeForce 8500 GT (G86)
OS: Windows 7 x64 (Windows Vista used to be on it)
Start task manager. Be sure to check the "show processes from all users" box at the lower left. Click the CPU column heading. You may have to click it twice to get the most demanding processes to the top. Look to see what may be using resources. Also do the same for the memory column. If anything looks out of line, e.g. suspicious, you have the option to - right click- end process or end process tree. Be aware that ending the wrong processes can render you system unstable, or unresponsive until reboot. If you are uncertain of the process you can google for it, or post back here for suggestions.

you can also upload a screen shot to

to make the screen shot, be sure you are in the window you want to upload (task manager), press ctrl+alt+printscreen. Open MS paint from the accessories folder on start menu. Press ctrl+c to past the screenshot. save the new picture to where you can find it (desktop is always easy). Go to the above link ( and follow instructions. It will give you a link to your image after a successful upload. Post that link here.