Appraise my Gaming Rig

You are looking at a decent gaming rig 😀 of course it's not the most hardcore one, but should be good for mid-entry level gamers. Again all comments are welcome.
I've got a AMD setup also, It looks pretty badass with the cheap glass case:
Coolmaster elite 430 mid-tower (I wanted 420, but they didn't have it)

XFX TS 550w

G.SKILL Ripjaw (2 x 4GB)

Radeon r7 260x

AMD FX-6300


Western digital 1TB HDD

I've also got 2 more blue coolers on the side and back.
more than likely around 400-500ish, its not a pricey build to begin with.

it will be a tough sell over 400 as thats what most walmarts sell a low end one for.....


apu build
4gb ram
250gb storage
21 inch monitor
low end video card
I am Assuming you are using this graphics card:

The case Is currently out of stock, so I don't know the price. Im guessing around 40 dollars.

Without accessories, it will go for $500 + How much you want them to pay extra for you making it.
With accessories, it will go for $760 + How much you want them to pay extra for you making it.

I think you are using these accesories, multiple ones appeared: