Appreciate advice on which motherboard suits my build


Oct 14, 2016
I am a Brit so apologies if I am not clear ...

My current thinking for my build is Intel i5-6500 with DDR4 minimum [?] 8GB ram ... OS windows 10 pro 64 bit .. 200+ SSD for OS et al ... 7200 HDD 1TB for the rest [maybe a hybrid????] Windows 10 Pro 64 bit.

Not currently into gaming nor extreme graphics ... as I want this build to last a few years I am looking to keep my system prospects open. Need WiFi and Bluetooth.

Motherboard suggestions?

Appreciate any responses.

As it turned out ... this is the worst possible to post a question as I am currently in Thailand and their revered King has recently passed. Maybe [?] that is why your link didn't connect. Would appreciate responses that are not based on links. Not basic build but not top-end as I am not into extreme-gaming.

Probably indirectly:

Intel i5 @ 3.20GHZ;;; Intel DH55TC;;; 4 x 2GB DDR3 Kingston ;;; NVIDIA GTX 750Ti;;; 3TB WD + 1.5TB WD + .5TB WD + .25TB SeaGate + .32TB SeaGate;;; **************************************************

Did I ever tell you the definition of Insanity??? 😀