APU with GTX 960?


Nov 30, 2015
Hello All

So I plan on upgrading my pre-built computer very soon with a new GPU. I have already put all the components into a new case and a new 600 Watt EVGA PSU that a friend gave me for free. My specs are as follows

AMD A10-6700 with onboard graphics
MSI 2AEO Motherboard (I think)
12 GB of DDR3 Ram at 1600 MHz
600 Watt EVGA PSU
1TB Seagate HD

Now my main question is will putting a GTX 960 be okay to put in this system and will I get the full performance out of it? I'm worried that the APU will screw something up the 960.

Thanks for reading
It won't damage the 960, but the two modules in the A10 may not always be able to keep up with the demands of the 960 so it will perform slower than it otherwise might. There is no simple upgrade to your APU that will provide a huge improvement either.

In simple terms, you may not be able to get the full performance, although it will be a significant improvement. (depends on what you are doing with it)
This will not harm the GPU.


Nov 30, 2015

I would like to be able to play AAA titles like the most recent battlefront or fallout 4 on at least medium settings