Arctic MX-4 Question


Sep 21, 2014
I just applied my MX-4. I noticed that the temps became higher at idle. I'm not doing any stress test yet. Is there a waiting time for this compound to settle and perform at it's best? I've seen some post saying it will take two weeks or it will take time to perform at it's optimum.

CPU is 4770K running 4.3ghz @ 1.27V with 212 EVO.



Sep 21, 2014
Actually this is the second time I applied this paste. Did not get good temps with my first application so I decided to re-apply again. I found out that I applied too little the first time using the pea method. Now I applied more. How can I upload photos here so I can show you?
the "cure" time is different for every paste and cpu and cooler setup. and its not really a set 50 hours or 200 hours. its a heat up and cool down cycle. heat makes metals, copper in this case, stretch and contract. on the microscopic level, as the top of the cpu heats up faster and is at a different temp then the bottom of the cooler, the two literally slide against each other, and stretch and contract against each other. think of it as how fault lines works for an earthquake, except in this case as they cool down the return to their previous position. as they slide against each other, the thermal paste gets pushed around and eventually finds the valleys and gaps that are full of air, on a microscopic level, and fills them in.

metal on metal does a better job of transferring heat than the thermal paste. but air does a bad job at this, worse than thermal paste. you dont need a lot of thermal paste at all, just enough to fill in air gaps on the nano meter level.