Are all of them compatible?

Looks like a nice build and should work out very well. The only problem I see is the corsair CX PSU. It is really low end and I would not trust it in any gaming build. Check newegg they generally have tier 1 or 2 units for an even better price. Use the PSU tier list in the components forum.
You have a 1440p monitor there and that 970 is not going to push high end games very well on it for long. I would bank that $200 for a year and save up for Pascal or whatever AMD spits out so you can rock that thing. Another option is to spend another $100 on a 390X which will rock that monitor right now.

Personally I want 27" 1440p, 144hz, adaptive sync and IPS but combined they are just to expensive and immature right now so I am sticking with the BenQ XL2420Z and a XL2411Z at 1080p 144hz for now and will see what the landscape looks like next fall.