Are dead graphics cards worth anything?


Jun 2, 2017
Recently my graphics card died, it was an ATI AMD Radeon HD 7770 1 GB GDDR5, I know its old but I was wondering if its worth anything(broken) or can it be repaired.

The temps were quite high sometimes while playing like COD BO3, H1Z1, CSGO with 75 C to 87 C but only in summer and with no AC in my room.
I did overclock it just a bit and was able to play for 2 days or so then pc crashed and reseted my settings to deafult, 2-3 weeks later pc froze again with red vertical lines and could not start again. A local pc shop confiremed later that the card died.

May just be a cracked solder joint from thermal cycling. You can attempt to repair this by removing everything plastic you can from the board and oven reflow soldering it in the oven--385F for 8 minutes (look online for instructions on how to prepare the board as everything floats loose during this process and you don't want any devices to slide or fall off).

Might work or not and any repair may be temporary unless you can get the load temperatures down, but the only thing you have to lose is some of your time. After all if it doesn't work you'd still have a dead card just like before.

Yeah I have been looking for a replace with a 2gb or 4 gb card but I cant really order it for amazon cuz it doesnt ship to this shithole that I am living and cards here are expenive that in the UK or USA like +60$. Thanks

May just be a cracked solder joint from thermal cycling. You can attempt to repair this by removing everything plastic you can from the board and oven reflow soldering it in the oven--385F for 8 minutes (look online for instructions on how to prepare the board as everything floats loose during this process and you don't want any devices to slide or fall off).

Might work or not and any repair may be temporary unless you can get the load temperatures down, but the only thing you have to lose is some of your time. After all if it doesn't work you'd still have a dead card just like before.

I'll look in that with someone who has some experience with gpus , I did saw the oven trick, maybe I got nothing to loose.Thanks

You could probably get 1~2$ out of the aluminum/copper heatsink. Its a good amount of weight for recyclers. May be better to just donate it to a tech school for students to learn the parts. May be worth a bit of tax right off.

Prob will try to repair it or something or sell it for scrap. Thanks

Rx 560 is not going to give him a lot of difference. Gtx 1050ti is way better. Buying gtx 1050 doesn't makes sense since 2 gb of vram is not enough.

I was thinking of and rx 560/460 4gb from amd or form nvidia a gtx 1050 but I'm 50$ short so idk if I should wait more to save or just get a rx 2 gb like you mentioned. Thanks