There seem to be inconsistencies in the pins for my CPU socket and some color differentiation for my CPU. Does this render my CPU and CPU socket completely useless? When I start my computer I get this continuous, rapid beeping. I wasn't aware what this meant so being the esteemed intellect that I am, I googled that <language>. I discovered, just as Colombus discovered The Americas and how virgins discover fascinating stories about birds and bees, that this beeping indicated a problem with my CPU. So being the utter retard that I am, I open my computer and locate my CPU to take it out and clean it. It's covered and dust. And for the life of me, I don't understand the sheer idiocity I was undergoing at the time, I touch the bottom of the Intel CPU NOT ONCE. No ladies and gentlemen I just couldn't resist completely <language> myself in the smallest of ways. But three times I lay my fingers upon the button of the CPU. I used a brush tool to try and clean the socket and the CPU but yeah, I'm here so that obviously was as ineffective as a condom with a hole in it. Anyways here's some pictures of what I've done to my precious components. How do I solve my problem? Even if they are able to be utilized fully by the computer when I put it back in the case properly along everything else I still get that constant beeping noise. I'd really appreciate if you could help me out because I really don't want to have to buy a new computer.
Mod edit: Please watch the language
Mod edit: Please watch the language