Question Are My Memory Timings Good/Okay?

May 1, 2023
I recently turned on XMP/DOCP for my ram, which is Corsair Vengeance 4x8gb DDR4 3600mhz; the sticks are in Slots 2 and 4, haven't observed any trouble but I have no idea how to read Memory Timings and Ram info in general so if someone could let me know if they look good and normal through CPU-Z then that'd be appreciated:



Slot 2 and Slot 4 have the same readings, so I didn't take a screenshot for both. I cross checked this information with HWInfo and it has the same numbers as the XMP column
Your kit is running at the correct timings it's rated for. I see nothing wrong or off in either screenshot.
thank you. I do have some questions about them to follow up;

I see the tRC in the 2nd screenshot is listed at "64" in the xmp column, yet in the 1st screenshot, it says the tRC is 83? is one of them wrong or are they reading different things? HWInfo displays 83 on the tRC as well.

I added the trp (22) and tRAS (42) which came out at 64 and I read that any lower causes instability; not only does this seem 'on the edge', but it also doesn't add to 83/

secondly, can Memory Timings 'degrade' the Ram in the same sense that high CPU voltage can degrade the CPU? using the 83 tRC as an example, is that 'too high' or 'risky'?
I see the tRC in the 2nd screenshot is listed at "64" in the xmp column, yet in the 1st screenshot, it says the tRC is 83? is one of them wrong or are they reading different things? HWInfo displays 83 on the tRC as well.
The XMP column is reading directly from the SPD chip on your ram and stating what it's rated for. Hwinfo is showing what the kit is running at. As for why it's not running exactly at that is likely since many boards don't have settings for every single timing value. The board just selected a supported timing step close to the rated one. This is fine and won't have any real impact on performance or stability.

I added the trp (22) and tRAS (42) which came out at 64 and I read that any lower causes instability; not only does this seem 'on the edge', but it also doesn't add to 83/
No. The manufacturer is going to do testing to ensure that the kit is stable running with the rated timings and it will be stable, regardless of what someone said should be stable online.

secondly, can Memory Timings 'degrade' the Ram in the same sense that high CPU voltage can degrade the CPU? using the 83 tRC as an example, is that 'too high' or 'risky'?