hey i have antec 300 case and amd phenom 2 x 2 550 and my temps for my system are
cpu 35c
mainboard 45c
power/aux 41c and what is that? i dont understand
core1 33.1c
core2 33.1c
gpu core 43c
hdd 1 18c
hdd2 30c
now i personally think they are a little high. i would want the cpu to be 27 or so when idle. Oh yeah those are all idle temps doing nothing just letting the pc run.
so what u guys think.
cpu 35c
mainboard 45c
power/aux 41c and what is that? i dont understand
core1 33.1c
core2 33.1c
gpu core 43c
hdd 1 18c
hdd2 30c
now i personally think they are a little high. i would want the cpu to be 27 or so when idle. Oh yeah those are all idle temps doing nothing just letting the pc run.
so what u guys think.