Are socket 2011 coolers compatible with socket 1366?


I was looking around and found a Swiftec h220x used going for 70$, so since I'm going to get a new system, I am overclocking and really needed a watercooler.

I saw this:

2011 dimensions

1366 dimensions

The official Swiftec website didn't mention 1366 socket, and some coolers that are compatible with 1366 sometimes don't mention it in the specs, so I'm wondering if this is the case?

The Swiftec h220x comes with a socket 2011 mounting kit, would that work?

UPDATE: I just measured my motherboard's mounting point (X58 Asus sabertooth) and it is in fact 80mm x 80mm like the Socket 2011 spec sheet says.

Oh my god, why is this a thing? What if I'm buying this cooler for a 2011 CPU, why is it that I have to buy additional stuff?

God, companies these days... Nintendo with power adapters, Motorola with chargers and now coolers with non included backplates? What has this world come to. ;-;

Anyways, thank you very much, I could guess they would fit but, better safe than sorry.