Are there any major differences between gtx 980ti and gtx 1070?


Jul 6, 2016
I'm going to buy a new graphics card. I can get a gtx 980ti hybrid for 399 euros and gtx 1070 msi gaming X for 499 euros. I can also consider EVAG SC ACX 3.0 for the gtx 1070. So my question is : Are there any other major differences between 1070 and 980ti than the 5% peformance and double power consuption?
Well, Pascal cards do get double the performance in VR, but really the 980 Ti is more than capable of driving any VR headset well. With a 100 euro difference it is not worth it to get the GTX 1070. And that 5% performance increase is debatable as cards like the 980 Ti hybrid can be overclocked up to 30% over base performance (depending on how well you fare in the silicon lottery of course).
Pascal does better in Dx12 and is thus a bit more future proof (if GPUs can be at these times)
depending on where you live, I refuse to believe that the only reasonable 1070s start at 500€
you can usually get a good 1070 for around 430€ in Europe if it's not important to you that there is a fancy MSI or ROG STRIX label on the card

Well the pascal does do better in dx12 as much as it does in dx11, I did some research.