Question Are these 2 RAM compatible?


Nov 6, 2017
So I have a crucial ballistic 8GB RAM in my PC but BFV lags a lot due to RAM usage being too high
So I wanted to upgrade it to 16GB
Due to the city I'm living in asia the parts are double the price and I can only use ebay.
I just need to confirm if these 2 RAM can be compatible

And this

Both seem to be the same model and same specs(both are 2400Mhz and PC4-19200 DIM 288 pin)

My concern is the colour of the RAM is white and red
My pc has a red one but as u can see the red one is more expensive so I was gonna go with the white one
Even if they’re the same spec if they’re not bought in a kit together then they are not guaranteed to work together and you must do all the testing to find out if it works. They might work or they might not but there’s no guarantee
I wouldn't guarantee it as they are not the same exact model, but if you are worried about ram compatibility, there is more than one ram stick available on each eBay post anyway.
As the other posters have stated - there's no guarantee that 2 mixed RAM modules will work together. They usually do, but not always. Whether they are the same make / model is irrelevant. The only way to know is it try them and see.

Just remember, manufacturers do not guarantee any mixed modules will work even if they are the same make. Technically, only modules from the same pack are guaranteed to work.
As the other posters have stated - there's no guarantee that 2 mixed RAM modules will work together. They usually do, but not always. Whether they are the same make / model is irrelevant. The only way to know is it try them and see.

Just remember, manufacturers do not guarantee any mixed modules will work even if they are the same make. Technically, only modules from the same pack are guaranteed to work.

I just confirmed from crucial that it's just the heatsink colour which is different and that both should work on the system without causing any problems
Once you add extra memory, you'll find the memory often can no longer operate at rated specs. While use of exact match, same thing, identical memory may increase the chances of memory working together over the use of random modules, Crucial does not guarantee compatibility when using such combinations.

That they "should work" may mean you have to run them at 2133MHz to get them to work. You can do your own testing as the memory has never been tested together before without any guarantees for compatibility.