Are These 2 Ram Sticks The Same?


Well, since you have them running, I think it fits into the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" catagory.

They are NOT the same. one is a 2666 speed and the other is a 2400 speed. They may not play well with each other, no matter what slots you put them in.


So i should install them in different color slots but don't matter. Like A1 and B1? (Black and Gray) Not sure..

They may not work together, no matter what slots you put them in. They are not a "matched" set.

Ok. Iv been running them and im using XMP Profile and have frequency set to 2400Mhz. Should i not or just buy another stick when possible

Well, since you have them running, I think it fits into the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" catagory.


I haven't had an issue with ram ever since i built the PC which has been 3 months and so far no bugs. Thanks!