Are these budget speakers worth it?

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Apr 10, 2014

I have something to ask here.
I recently have caught my eyes on some Skytronic speakers for just a little more than 200 euro for a pair.
They are the SkyTec Disco PA speaker 2x 15" 1000W LED.
I'm going to place them in a room which is 4.70m by 3.60m.
The Amp that is going to power them is a Pioneer SA-8500.
Are they worth buying it or is there a alternative that you guys suggest?
My max spending is 250 euro.
Here is a link to the speakers. I found them cheaper elsewhere.

I hope you guys can help me
You want to hook up 1000w speakers to 60w amplifier?

I cant find much information about the brand (which is a red flag for me, and advertising LED lights as a feature is another red flag).
Either the speakers are truly 1000w so your 60w per channel amp will not scratch the surface, or they say 1000w but will fry at 250w easily
(I am guessing the last one with advertising LED lights as a feature).
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