Are these good Computer temperatures?


Apr 21, 2011
My room temperature is set for 70 Degrees F (21c) and the cpu has a little bit of air being blow from the AC unit because the vent points twords the top of my tower (unsure if air actually hits it though) Anyway.. I have an corsair h60 I've got from ebay the 2013 version. The fan is set to PULL air through the radiator out the back of the case, well. After the first install the temps idled high (I think I had too much compound) I use the Artic Silver 5 compound. So I took off the waterblock and wiped it all down cleaned both surfaces. Then I applied a smaller dot close to the center of the cpu (A little smaller then a pea) once again I placed the water block on and tightly tightened the thumb screws (tight). Now my CPU will idle 8-15 C usually around 8-10C but once I open say the internet it'll go up to around 20 C - 25C Maybe even highter at times. I ran Heavy Load stress test on my CPU ONLY and the temperature would max out at 30c Once the test was stopped the temps would decline rapidly back to idle temps, untill I open an app or such. I have the fx6300 CPU No overclock, just stock clocks. Is this a good range of temperatures for this CPU?

I've used two different applications and they both read idle of 8C and max of 30-32C and I don't overclock. I only wanted water cooling to say I have it, as well as keep the cpu temp low.

I'll check its margins and reply.

The progam says all cpu cores are at or around 53-57c
It should report the thermal margin is 53-57°C; is that at full load, e.g., running Prime95 Small FFTs? I would expect it to be lower than that at full load.


thats with just the program open


Thermal Margin at 100% cpu usage (test has been running for 3 min) margin is at 43.1-43.2 (it goes back and fourth)
The CPU temp doesn't matter on an AMD CPU; the thermal margin is what really counts. At worst, your CPU could be up to 41.4°C warmer before it starts throttling to protect itself. In other words, you don't have issues and you can use your system without fear of an overheating CPU. Enjoy it!

Well, are my specified thermal margins good for a full load fx6300?