Are these good gaming peripherals?


Dec 12, 2012
Hey, I was wondering if this mouse, keyboard and mouse mat I have picked out are any good.

Logitech G400 mouse

SteelSeries Surface QcK Mini mouse mat (Desk space at a premium)

Microsoft Sidewinder x4 keyboard

I have to agree with Blackbird. The keyboard rocks. If you can spare another $10 or so, get the Logitec G5. I have had it for years and it is an amazing mouse. You can weight it the way you want, and the 'grip' on it keeps it from sliding if your hands happen to get sweaty.

Also..Not sure how much of a gamer you are, but you might consider a Belkin gamepad. I have the n52te and it has done me wonders..especially in RPGs where there are typically a lot of buttons to press. Just throwing that out there.
I'm a big fan of my E-BLUE Cobra Junior. They're only like $15 but they do pretty well compared to my friends $75 Gigabyte mouse. He's been a PC gamer since 4th grade, so if he says my mouse is decent enough, I'll agree with him.