Sooo, My i7 6700K sits at around 21C at idle with 5 programms open, Chrome, Kaspersky anti virus and some utilities. Is that a good idle temp? MAX temp have been at 46C..
They are outstanding; your room must be 10-15°C at most and you have a great cooler.
ambient temp must be around 25 degrees, but i have an h110i gtx hydro cooler (280MM) and i have 3 intake fans on the front of the chassis, 2 exh on the rad and 1 exh fan on the back! I was excited to see the temps but i wasnt sure if they were good 😀
You know the readings are incorrect; the CPU can't be cooler than the ambient temperature plus several degrees; at 25°C ambient, the idle temperature will be at least 30°C. Use Intel XTU to check it. The full load temperature is far more important.
You know the readings are incorrect; the CPU can't be cooler than the ambient temperature plus several degrees; at 25°C ambient, the idle temperature will be at least 30°C. Use Intel XTU to check it. The full load temperature is far more important.
i used HW monitor for that. The coldest core was at around 21C the rest were at 24,25,26