Are these temperatures are safe and ok?


Dec 20, 2015
Hi guys!

In the past years I had problems with my PC, because of the temperature in summer. Now the weather is really hot here and I am afraid. i did a lot of changes since last year but I want to get a confrim from the community. So here is the photo about the temperature:

It was with program called CPUID. The first column is the actual, the second one is the avarage and the third one was the max. I played 2 hours with Star Wars Battlefront and the max was under the playing. So every temperature is safe or I need to do something to cool down the system? Thank you for the answers.
I live in a extremely hot country, those are pretty much the same temps i get with an i5-6500 and an r9 390.
And they're way under the limit, you're fine.