Are these temperatures normal for a liquid called haswell chip?


Dec 28, 2014
running i7 4790k on a corsair h80i with arctic silver 5 thermal paste

35c-40c idle

2 minutes of prime 65c

after 2 minutes it hits 85c (maxed out on fan speeds)

I was wondering if these temperatures are correct for a liquid called system as I think they are extremely high.

My reason for questioning these temperatures is my AMD 8350FX over clocked to 4.5 was running at 50c on prime for 10 minutes
Well you have not provided nearly enough information to actually assist you but for reference sake my 4690K @ 4.2 Ghz 1.125v gets up to 60c after 5 hours of prime 95 with a stock 212 Evo and AS5.. So yes I would say you have a problem. First thing are you OC'd ? If so what is your voltage ? Second thing what version of prime are you stressing with ? You should only use 26.6 as anything after that executes AVX on the FPU's and creates very unrealistically high temps. Computronix has a very good intel temp sticky, you should read it.

This is bad information. I do not suggest doing this. The stock intel cooler is designed to be able to keep temps proper at stock clocks so if a $100 AIO can't do it there is certainly a problem somewhere. Look in HWMonitor and see what the pump RPM's for your H80i are. It should be around 2,200 RPM at full load. Also make sure you have the water block properly seated on the CPU with a grain of rice sized amount of thermal paste.