Are these temperatures reasonable?


Jul 9, 2018
Is it normal for my CPU (AMD Athlon II X3 455) to run at a constant 52 degrees celsius under a CPU-Z stress test (all cores at 3.3 GHz, also I noticed the fan always spins at 3000-3200 RPM even when cpu is idle)? I have a stock cooler and recently I added MX 4 thermal paste between the CPU and the cooler. Also, I noticed the motherboard runs hotter than the CPU (68 degrees celsius, while CPU was at 52 degrees). I am worried that the sensors might be bad and that my CPU runs hotter. If the sensors are reading temperatures correctly, can I safely overclock?
The max temp is 73c for this CPU so you have a little head room. Hitting 52c under a stress test isn't bad at all. You can try OC'ing just watch temps.