Are these temps normal for a ATI Radeon?


Jan 3, 2014
So, almost a year ago, I bought a brand new ATI Radeon 4830 HD 1GB version ( I know the model is older, but it is okay for me). Anyways, I live in Bosnia, and the teps in the last few days were almost 40C, which also mad my PC hot. The CPU is OK, never goes over 65C. However, the GPU on idle is 50C-55C. While gaming, the GPU goes over 80. So, my question is: are these temps normal, and should I worry? Bad thermal paste? The GPU is not OC'ed.
Those aren't ideal temps but they're not terrible given (I assume) that the room temperature was also 40C?

Essentially, you can expect the GPU to be about 40 degrees hotter (Under load) than the ambient air temperature. The easiest solution to your problem is to avoid gaming on really hot days. Or play games that don't require a lot of GPU load.

There are solutions out there in terms of extra cooling for your entire case (More fans, better setup of draw and exhaust) and some guides can be found here at Tom's. This article from 2007 is still valid.,3053.html
Those aren't ideal temps but they're not terrible given (I assume) that the room temperature was also 40C?

Essentially, you can expect the GPU to be about 40 degrees hotter (Under load) than the ambient air temperature. The easiest solution to your problem is to avoid gaming on really hot days. Or play games that don't require a lot of GPU load.

There are solutions out there in terms of extra cooling for your entire case (More fans, better setup of draw and exhaust) and some guides can be found here at Tom's. This article from 2007 is still valid.,3053.html

Au burazeru znas sta bih ti ja preporucio ako vec nemas ili ako nisi vec uradio uzmi otvori kuciste odvoj ga od zida nemoj da ti je na podu isto kuciste ako nemas ventilatore u kucistu uzmi neki stoni ili kakav god imas i uperi ga u kuciste malo pod uglom da ne duva bas direkt nego ga stavis malo ispred i uperis prema zadnjoj strani unutar kucista probaj takodje i pastu da promenis nije tesko menjao sam i ja na 8500GT juce koristim Arctic MX-4 jako dobre rezultate daje evo video ako ne znas kako: isto ovako uradi ja sam probao da ne razvucem ovako pastu pa sam dobio ocajan rezultat kad sam je malo razvukao kao na ovom videu bilo je sve sjajno

Nemam ventilator, sad samo čekam jaru da dođe sa godišnjeg, od njega cu posuditi pastu, pa valjda pomogne...

The ambient temp was around 30C... I do have a spare 120mm fan laying around, so I can improvise something...

onda kazem ti ostavi samo otvori kuciste i drzi ga tako nek sto vise vazduha ulazi sta ti vredi da ga drzis zatvorenim ako ce ti graficka tu temperaturu proizvoditi samo ce zagrejati sve ostalo probaj sa pastom pomoce sto posto meni jeste isti sam problem imao gasi mi se komp od toplote