Are these two worth having together?


Sep 29, 2012
CPU Intel Core i5-3570K 3.4GHz Quad-Core $215.99
Motherboard ASRock Z77 Pro4 ATX LGA1155 $94.99
Memory Corsair XMS3 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 $39.99
Storage Western Digital Scorpio Black 250GB 2.5" 7200RPM $55.99
Video Card EVGA GeForce GTX 660 2GB $229.99
Case Antec Three Hundred Two ATX Mid Tower $54.98
Power Supply PC Power & Cooling 600W ATX12V $69.33
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (64-bit)

I have ordered some of these parts but not the mobo or the v card. These two are my problem. I got in a rush and found out the mobo is Crossfire and the card is SLI. Is there ever a chance of getting 2 GTX 660s on this mobo? I am guessing not. I am very new to building.
I don't see why the motherboard would not be able to support 2 cards. But I would recommend just sticking with a single card setup, as for SLI with those you would need a tad beefier power supply.