[SOLVED] Are this gpu legit ?


I'd say yes. They are the 3GB versions of the cards, so the price doesn't seem that off. But I wouldn't order from AliExpress myself as it seems like a shady site.

I'd say yes. They are the 3GB versions of the cards, so the price doesn't seem that off. But I wouldn't order from AliExpress myself as it seems like a shady site.
Based on the (limited) info in the ads, they appear to be showing legit 3GB 1060's, yes.

Whether that's what you'd actually receive or not, depends on the quality of the seller. Aliexpress is just a marketplace, so quality of sellers will vary dramatically.

Its new tho

I'd say go for it if you want to, but I would probably buy from eBay or amazon instead.
Where does it say it's new? Where does it say new? Where does it say new? Where does it say new?

Cause all the descriptions I translated say "used". I don't see one "new" on either page.

The first one "
Kondisi😀IGUNAKAN(100% sepenuhnya pengujian sebelum Pengiriman)
Condition: USED (100% fully testing before shipment)

The second one:
"Kondisi: BEKAS (100% sepenuhnya pengujian sebelum Pengiriman)""
"Condition: USED (100% fully testing before shipment)"

If you are going to buy used, buy "refurbished" from a company that is trustworthy or stick with classified ads like on facebook.

I live in Indonesia and buying something from Amazon and eBay have expensive shiping price

And i get free shipping from Aliexpress. That why.

I'd say go for it if you want to, but I would probably buy from eBay or amazon instead.[/quotemsg]

I live in Indonesia and buying something from Amazon and eBay have expensive shipping price

And i get free shipping from Aliexpress. That why.

And you might get a dead or fake card. Saving a little money here or there isn't worth getting a completely fake item from time to time... maybe that's just me.