[SOLVED] Are this Ryzen 5 3600 temps right?

Feb 6, 2020
Hi, I bought a Ryzen 5 3600 and i'm not sure if the temperatures are ok, I'm testing temps with Core Temp and while i'm playing it reaches 90ºc(what i don't know if it's normal), I am not planning on overclocking it and it has the stock cooler.
I tried changing the voltage with the AMD Ryzen Master with this configuration:

With this the temperature drops to 79ºC max but i don't know if it's bad for the processor or i'm not using it with it's full performance (i don't want to overclock).
The temperature at 1.4 voltage (stock) is 50 C- 60 C in an idle state.

That's why I want to know if it's okay what i'm doing or if I should undervolt the CPU and what voltage I should use?. And how do I make that voltage to be applied when I boot the PC and not from the AMD Ryzen Master.

Thanks and sorry about my english :)
Here's the info I was looking for.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/cbls9g/the_final_word_on_idle_voltages_for_3rd_gen_ryzen/

Courtesy of this thread.

What's your ambient temp? That does seem fairly high for idle, and quite hot for gaming. Especially at stock. How is your case airflow? What's the rest of the setup? Have you tried to reinstall the cooler? Youd need new paste for that, but it's possible it's not making the best contact.
Feb 6, 2020
What's your ambient temp? That does seem fairly high for idle, and quite hot for gaming. Especially at stock. How is your case airflow? What's the rest of the setup? Have you tried to reinstall the cooler? Youd need new paste for that, but it's possible it's not making the best contact.
The ambient temp is 30ºC. The case is a Thermaltake V200 and it only has a fan at the back i don't know if it's better to buy a cooler or the front fans.
Why are you overclocking it anyway? Not to be stupid, but I have one of these. Reviews I've read says you don't get a lot of extra performance by overclocking.

As far as fans, I have a 3600 and I have 6 fans in my case, and I'm using a wraith prism on it not a wraith stealth like was stock. Mine seems to top out at 71. It was at 74, but mine started acting better when I set my 2 top fans to be exhaust. So I have 3 fans for intake in the front of my case. 2 on top for exhaust, and 1 rear exhaust.

These chips seem like they run hot to begin with. With that case I would fill all the available slots with fans, especially get 2 on top to pull air out.

Set the CPU to stock, and in bios tell the CPU fan to run 100% full time. Between those things if you can get enough air going, hopefully that will drop the temps.
Why are you overclocking it anyway? Not to be stupid, but I have one of these. Reviews I've read says you don't get a lot of extra performance by overclocking.

As far as fans, I have a 3600 and I have 6 fans in my case, and I'm using a wraith prism on it not a wraith stealth like was stock. Mine seems to top out at 71. It was at 74, but mine started acting better when I set my 2 top fans to be exhaust. So I have 3 fans for intake in the front of my case. 2 on top for exhaust, and 1 rear exhaust.

These chips seem like they run hot to begin with. With that case I would fill all the available slots with fans, especially get 2 on top to pull air out.

Set the CPU to stock, and in bios tell the CPU fan to run 100% full time. Between those things if you can get enough air going, hopefully that will drop the temps.
Stated they have NO intention to oc. Sounds like op is thinking of undervolting to reduce temps.

Do you have a box fan or similar? Take off the side panel and direct the fan towards the PC. See how/if temps change.

Sounds like you'll need more airflow in the case.
So it is, didn't even notice.

Was this a setting you messed with op? Or does your mobo have mce enabled?

I've also heard and seen these 3xxx don't take very well to oc. Best just to turn on pbo and leave it to it's own control. The higher temps may be from trying to force an all core oc.
I would just set it all back to stock. With mine I don't feel a large need to overclock it. Reviews I've read as well say you don't really gain much performance overclocking these CPUs. As well as if you manually overclock and undervolt, you may actually hurt your CPUs performance and introduce more microstutter into your games.
If you have all 6 cores at 4.1ghz, you're overclocking at that point. That would be considered an all core overclock.

I would also set it to default. Especially considering you have cooling issues. After you figure out the cooling, you can mess around. But like ohio_buckeye said, there's little need to oc these chips. And you'll most likely see less performance vs pbo.
Here's the info I was looking for.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/cbls9g/the_final_word_on_idle_voltages_for_3rd_gen_ryzen/

Courtesy of this thread.

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