are this specs good

Raphskie Galvan

Jun 28, 2014
i want to play league of legends halo and skyrim and maybe watch a couple of videos on the pc and transfer files and stuff are these specs good? and is the price just good enough for the price BTW this is Canadian dollars so yeah.

AMD3 System Asus Motherboard
Quad Athlon II 635 2.93 gHz per core
8 gigs DDR3
580 watt PS
CoolerMaster Elite case
Primary HD 200 gig
Secondary 400 gig
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
pci-e video card
" pci-e video card"

This isn't anything, it's very generic.

The videocard is make or break. This just describes how the videocard connects to the computer, it does not tell us what it is.

The processor is mediocre but will suffice. You will need to confirm the videocard is any good or be prepared to spend an extra $200 for a new one.

The hard drives are very small as well. You will run out disk space quickly.