Are you kidding me?!


"Asking that a political price should be paid to ensure Congress does its job... is deeply irresponsible," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters.

Whaaaaaaaat?! Your political career is more important than doing the job you were elected to do!? C'mon, wake up. Fiscal cliff is coming.. we're going to hit it, we're going to suffer. Guess what? Congress will continue to get their pay and their perks. Time to wake up - Democrats are going to get their tax increases one way or another.. most likely at the suffering of everyone. $3,800 of increased taxes on someone making $35k a year.
That's a good question, I was struck by that myself. I'd say two things about that: Asking that a political price be paid in order for Congress to do its job to ensure that the United States of America pays its bills and does not default for the first time in its history is deeply irresponsible. It was deeply irresponsible in the summer of 2011 and it would be deeply irresponsible if we were to see that kind of approach taken again. The President absolutely expects Congress to do its job, and one of the jobs that Congress has is to make sure the United States government pays its bills as the greatest economy and the greatest country on earth -- we pay our bills.

The President believes that it is entirely appropriate that Congress take action on this as part of an end-of-the-year deal, if you will, on the issues that confront us -- the fiscal cliff and broader deficit reduction. It would be a terrible mistake and I think would earn deserved approbation from the American public if Congress were to travel that path again. The harm done was done mostly to the American middle class. We had our economy downgraded, we had consumer confidence plunge all because of this brinkmanship that is entirely inappropriate. And we hope we won't see that again.


Even with the whole quote, it doesn't change the context. Pay the politcal price to do what you were elected to do.

Kicking the can down the road is not a solution. A year ago we were in this same argument and raised the borrowing level without any cuts. A year later.. here we are again, same issue.. and it came quicker than expected.