Are you more secure if you: uncheck "accept remote assistance invitations to be sent from your computer"

Jul 24, 2011
i am trying to make my network more secure.

does anyone know this?

will i make my network/computer more secure if i uncheck the box that says
"accept remote assistance invitations to be sent from your computer"?


[don't know much about networking[
RL600, i appreciate the reply😛

thanks a whole big lot!
i'm trying to make my computer more secure,
and figure out ways/techniques on how to do so.

you have been a real big help RL600.

guess i'll uncheck the box for windows remote use.
so you'll still have internet connection without this setting.
it doesn't effect your performance.
you don't need it: you can always use another program.

White Hat
Cyber Security Gaurd
God is my Sheild