Arizona's immigration law

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Now that Obama & the Dems have successfully gotten a Federal judge to issue an injunction against many of the provisions of the new Arizona immigration enforcement law, which polls show something like 75% of citizens support, I predict the House will swing back to the Republicans this November. According to those who oppose the law, almost all of the illegals are here to better their life and are otherwise law-abiding. However, while driving in to work earlier this week, I heard on the local radio that the INS and police just rounded up some 87 illegal immigrants in Washington DC and Virgina, of which 75 were previously convicted or suspected of rape, murder or other very serious felonies. And the 12 who were not, had been deported at least once before.

I have several Hispanic friends and neighbors, and even they tend to support immigration enforcement since it costs them in the form of higher taxes and fewer public services, due to the burden of taking care of the illegals. And I don't blame Obama exclusively for the mess - George Bush also contributed to it. But it's time the Feds stepped up to their responsibilities and put a stop to this.

Just my 2 cents..
The White House convinced a federal judge to stay Arizona's new immigration law Wednesday. This administration doesn't know Westerners. Secession is so imminent people are selling their fifty-star American flags on eBay as soon-to-be-collectibles.

Arizona's illegals fled the state before a judge could rule on the new immigration law. The state emptied out. By week's end, teenagers were making so much money mowing lawns in Scottsdale that President Obama appointed a pay commissioner to make them give it back.

When any economy contracts there is less work available.

Immigration becomes a strong focus.

The problem is, some aspects of immigration provide skilled labour not found locally, so that economy (resticting skilled migration) finds it difficult to captitalise / expand when a period of growth ensues.

It is a diificult issue and over here there is an election campaign in full swing ... it is one of the issues being politicised.

I just hope we don't see rednecks (we have plenty of them too) running around hurting and harassing people who have uprooted their lives and moved to a new country with the view of integrating as good citizens ... adding value ... for the right reasons.

Immigrants also seem to have a stronger work ethic ...

Not with Obama and the Fed's. They have done nothing to solve the problem and have nothing to offer to help solve it. It's gotten out of hand. Look.


Law abiding citizens? What part of "ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT" don't you understand? Key word being ILLEGAL, they are breaking the law just by being here without permission!!!!!!!!!

And many of them ended up in the People's Republic of California.

Here in the US there are work visas available for certain specialists, usually require the company wishing to hire them to apply for same.

However most of the illegal immigrants lack education and take the jobs most citizens turn their noses up at - meat-packing plants & crop picking are a couple of examples. I'd have no problem expanding the work visa program to let them come here legally for 6 months or a year at a time, if they pay their taxes, observe our laws, can pass a background check, etc.

For example, my wife wants to bring her 16-yr-old nephew here from Vietnam, as a student, for a couple of years. I went online and found out that Prince William County spends about $9600 per year per student, and for non-residents they charge $10,514 per year to attend. A bit steep for us, but that seems to be the fair thing to do if we bring him over here. Why burden the rest of the county taxpayers when it's our decision?

LOL! Sometimes I think the other 49-1/2 states would be better off if the San Andreas fault broke and slid the western half of CA under the Pacific Ocean 😛.
I grew up in Illinois. And Cook County was always a problem for us downstaters. Cook County falling off into Lake Michigan would solve about 2/3's of the State of Illinois' problems.

Make that 49 states and you have a deal.
Mexico's tourism officials published the Ten Routes of Mexico in international tourist magazines to lure visitors and thrill seekers to Mexico. It's full of danger and adventure. Seven of the routes end in Arizona and three of them end in San Diego.
The Arizona Diamondbacks game at CitiField in New York stopped Friday when two men ran onto the field waving a Mexican flag. Cops did nothing. It's considered racial profiling in New York to arrest anyone carrying a Mexican flag unless he looks Muslim.

Southern California broke out in brushfires when Santa Ana winds blew into Los Angeles and ignited dry brush Wednesday. The winds came from Arizona. It was the breeze from all the illegal immigrants making a U-turn the moment the Arizona law was stayed.

So, a spectator can wave a towel, but better not be wearing it?

The "illegal" immigrant problem can be solved literally overnight if ALL unearned benefits programs for illegals were halted. Then, the only immigrants coming here would be doing so to work, not get on the dole or commit crimes. We'd also need a Constitutional amendment to alter the definition of citizenship such that merely being born here is no longer sufficient; change it to "a person born here has the immigration or citizenship status of the [most advanced] parent."
Insurance companies would be free to negotiate with foreign governments to provide some level of coverage for their citizens here. NO money would EVER be confiscated from citizens to provide unearned benefits to non-citizens, no matter how dire the need. An exception could be made for totally innocent crime victims where there were eyewitnesses and/or suspects in custody.

Also, the crowds that passed through Ellis Island and went on to build this country didn't have to pay thousands of dollars in fees to parasites; many came here with next to nothing.
The Feds need to get with the program, because many of the states are backing this law. Immigration is supposed to be a federal issue, but if they can't tighten up the border, then the states should be able to enforce this themselves. The states are the ones who have to fork out the cash when these illegals need financial assistance.

Don't get me wrong, I love a nice latina woman. 😛 But there are ways to live here legally. Others jumped thru those hoops, the illegals can too.
Yeah, the feds need to fund more border patrolling and other efforts to secure the borders. Of course most suspect the Dems of looking the other way, since the illegals tend to vote Democratic once they get legal through amnesty or other means 😛. There aren't enough INS investigators to do a proper job as well - my Vietnamese wife works in a nail salon and tells me many stories about her boss and other workers paying $30K or $40K for some single guy to marry a relative back in Vietnam, in order to bring said relative over here on a marriage visa. Once the relative gets here, they are put to work in the shop and have to pay the boss back and then some..

Her boss has also figured out how to scam the IRS too - half her business is unreported cash, she lists herself as single head-of-household when in fact she is still married and living with her husband, so that they can claim the interest deduction on 3 houses instead of just two, etc etc. A quick audit would catch the fact that she just bought a $70K Mercedes for herself and a $40K Lexus for her daughter, lives in a $600K house, etc - far beyond her reported earnings obviously - but so far the IRS hasn't caught on..
fazers_on-stun I had typed a long drawn out post to you regarding the following highlights, but it got lost before it would post here.

Neighbor burglarized
I know who did it
The Association's lawn maintenance crew
My seven security cameras I maintain daily
The illegal immigrant who robbed Dairy Queen
How I saw his mug shot and put 2 and 2 together for police investigators
CSI showing up and getting a fingerprint that lead to many arrests at the gang's house
Drive by retalaton shooting across the street. Garage door riddled with bullets. I caused the whole thing with a simple call to 911 and a resulting arrest.
Local vandilism and burglarys and their relation to Mexico being in our backyard
Los Angeles being the capital of Mexico it's advantages are few
Would not think of driving up to Los Angeles shopping.

Oh, there is a joke I heard about every attractive Vietnamese woman on the planet being a manicurist since the origins of man. I think it had to do with laws of our solar system.

EDIT for Writer's embellishments.

The problem is pretty much nationwide. If the largest cities in the state ceased to exist, the rest of the state would be pretty darned happy. There's a huge urban-rural divide in the country and it's not getting any narrower. For example, a lot of us here in "the rest of Missouri" wish that Kansas would take the rest of Kansas City and that Illinois would annex St. Louis. Hell, Jefferson City can fall off into the Missouri River and float on downstream and that would solve many of our problems as well.
California officials forecast a huge voter turnout in November with the Senate and governor's race on the line. There are also three popular propositions on the ballot. If all three pass, illegal aliens who are gay can marry their marijuana plants.


Personally I'd prefer those sonic fences that explode the heads off any trespassers, like the one designed to keep the smoke monster out of the Dharma compound on Lost 😛.
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