"we will optimize it fully to PSVR."
As opposed to not optimizing it at all for the PC? >_>
Really, if the minimum requirements include a $500 graphics card and a $350 processor on top of an expensive VR headset, I can't help but think they're going to have a hard time selling the game on the PC. Especially since this seems to be more of a casual gaming experience than something targeting the more "core" gaming audience that might be more likely to own that kind of hardware. If they can optimize the game to run in VR at 60+fps on a PS4, there's no excuse for them to not provide similar graphics options to enable sub-$200 "vr capable" CPUs and GPUs to run the game on the PC. Maybe they are intending to enable lower graphics settings, and were just listing the requirements to run the game using ideal settings, but they didn't make it sound that way.
And of course, the recommended requirements include a $1000+, 8-core i7-5960X, something very few gaming PCs will actually have. It does make me wonder if the game will be optimized to make use of more cores though. If that's the case, then the newly-launched 8-core Ryzen CPUs might see some advantage at a markedly lower price, as could the upcoming 6-core Ryzens.