Arma 3 Excruciatingly Low FPS (Singleplayer)


Feb 18, 2015
It's frustrating to see people with drastically worse rigs than me get the same fps, and to see people with worse rigs than me get more fps. I saw that one guy in particular was running Arma 3 on lowest settings at 640x480 with a Core 2 Quad, a HD 6950, and 4gb of ram getting 20 fps in singleplayer. I have an i5 4590, 8gb ram, and an OC'd R9 280x, and I get an average of 25 fps at 1680x1050 in singleplayer on medium. What am I doing wrong? How are people with R9 270's factory clocked, and an FX-6300 getting 50 fps? Again, what am I doing wrong?
Arma 3 is a horribly optimized game. Ironically I just purchased the game during the Steam sale over the weekend and also a few friends of mine did the same. The game is 32 bit and I've been told my numerous people that it only uses a couple of CPU threads, regardless of architecture. You have a great setup and I have no doubt that your low frame rate is due to the game, and not your workstation. Btw, I don't for a second believe people who claim they are getting 50 FPS with a FX-6300; very unlikely.
Make sure your visibility isn't too high. To max that you'll need an absolute beast of a machine. (From what I've heard anyways. I haven't played the game, so I can't say for sure)
Try dropping that a bit.
Arma 3 is a horribly optimized game. Ironically I just purchased the game during the Steam sale over the weekend and also a few friends of mine did the same. The game is 32 bit and I've been told my numerous people that it only uses a couple of CPU threads, regardless of architecture. You have a great setup and I have no doubt that your low frame rate is due to the game, and not your workstation. Btw, I don't for a second believe people who claim they are getting 50 FPS with a FX-6300; very unlikely.

Well at the lowest settings why not?
6300 is a pretty low-end CPU, but it's not complete garbage..
Especially if it's OC'd.
I hear you. I wasn't talking trash about the FX-6300. It's just that Arma 3 is so badly optimized that you need an over-powered system to play it at decent frame rates. I debated with myself for months whether to buy this game/simulator because I didn't want to support sloppy development. I gave in and bought the software anyway. To have a 32 bit code in the year 2015 is just ridiculous. And then they have the nerve to still sell it for $59.99. I wish they would sell it to another development house, so that it could be finely tuned. There are a lot of fans of the genre and they deserve better for their money.

64bit games are a pretty new norm. Back when they started making ARMA3 I would guess it was just fine.
But yeah, I've heard it's a bit of a mess.

Yeah, I missed the steam sale earlier this year when it was like $30, I wasted $80 on it with the dlc shit you can buy too, before I knew the multiplayer was just horrid. I hardly ever even play it now, I'm not a big fan of these types of games for singleplayer and rather wanted multiplayer...the game looks beautiful though, I just wish it was more optimized and they fix whatever server issues they have with multiplayer.
@Reaper, it's funny because I've only played for 34 minutes total and I'm still doing the training's. I haven't even gotten to multiplayer, which of course was my purpose in buying Arma in the first place. Your 4790K is clocked much higher than my 5820K. If you can't even get decent performance out of the multiplayer mode, then I don't stand a chance. Are the crappie servers hosted by Bohemia themselves? If so, can I host my own Arma 3 server to fix the multiplayer issue for me and my friends?

the issues come mainly from the fact that it only uses 2 cores and is coded like shit

your extra cores are useless

Yeah, I think if you hosted a server it would help because you can figure out what it is that makes it drop so much. I mean there are servers that have good fps so I know it would be possible but there are just as many if not more that for some reason, whatever settings they have just drop the fps like crazy. Singleplayer gets good fps, all ultra at 1440P and 4K.

I'm not sure about the bohemia servers or if what I was in were official servers but there were a lot filled but you have to look around to find the right game modes too, there were a ton of the wasteland servers and I didn't want that so it took me longer to find a good working server.