As the tite says, I want to run Arma 3 at Ultra settings at 720 60fps
I am planning on playing online in modded servers, and from what I've seen, lowering the graphic settings in the servers won't give you almost any perfomrance gain.
Is an i5 6400 with a 1050ti enough?
Maybe i5 6500?
What about Pentium g4560?
Is it fundamental for me to have at least a gtx 1060 3gb?
Is there a lot of difference in perfomance beetween 1080p?
I would appreciate if you try to answer all that questions above. Thank you very much!
I am planning on playing online in modded servers, and from what I've seen, lowering the graphic settings in the servers won't give you almost any perfomrance gain.
Is an i5 6400 with a 1050ti enough?
Maybe i5 6500?
What about Pentium g4560?
Is it fundamental for me to have at least a gtx 1060 3gb?
Is there a lot of difference in perfomance beetween 1080p?
I would appreciate if you try to answer all that questions above. Thank you very much!