Arranging and aligning 3 displays...


Sep 4, 2010

I am currently running 3 30" monitors in the configuration you see below.

When I go to arrange the monitor positions vertically in the "change the appearance of your displays" section of the screen resolution dialog, the monitors icons jump up and down in 10 to 150 pixel increments making it difficult to align two monitors, let alone all three.

Is there some setting in the registry or some where that I can edit the vertical positioning with any level of precision?

I think you can move the images up and down by dragging in the resolution dialog.
I do this to align the top edge of a 30" and a 40" monitor.
It makes dragging images a bit easier.

That said, why not make all 3 monitors oriented identically?
Sometimes desk space is not sufficient for horizontal spanning, but a wall mount can overcome that.

Thanks for tour reply.

As far as I can tell that is where I am dragging them up and down. I did not know of another menu in which to do it.

When aligning top and bottom edges the monitor icons snap into place making it very easy. When you are not snapping to the top or bottom edge, they jump in 10 to 150 pixel increments making it impossible to get accurate alignment.

I like to have a portrait oriented display for working on tall design layouts, portrait photos and illustrations, or when coding for graphics. I am hoping to add a 4th monitor in landscape after I work out some cabling issues. I any respect, the problem remains.
