Artefactos en los juegos


Nov 29, 2013
Tengo algunos destellos de color loco, rojo, amarillo, azul, definitivamente se parece a artefactos para mí. No parece saludable y no creo que sea el software, aunque no puedo conseguir que se manifieste cada vez en la configuración máxima en cerca de 4k de resolución.

Max settings close to 4k resolution? Are you or are you not using a 4k res. And I very much doubt you're maxing with a single 770.

But regardless, color flashes and whatnot do indicate that your GPU is artifacing. It's time for a RMA. And also, 70C is still fairly hot; 158F, which is obviously going to be hot to the touch. But not taking into account human touch, a 700 series GPU's thermal limit is like 92 or 94C, it's best not to run over 80C, so your temps are well within reason.
At 158F, it should sting, maybe not like a 3rd degree burn your finger type deal. Turn your oven to 160 degrees and touch the rack once it's done preheating. It'd probably give you the same feeling the GPU did.

But that might have solved your problem, I actually didn't think of that. Having the GPU not properly seated would likely cause the issues you were experiencing. Run Unigine Valley/Heaven for a few hours to see if the issues are still there.

And this is just a personal inquiry, but what monitors are you using? 3600x2025 is a rather odd resolution. Nearly double the amount of pixels as a 1440p monitor.