Artifacs on win 7 media player during HD-video play

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Hello everyone,
I have just install win 7 on my laptop. A problem seems to be very persistent.
Everytime I try to play HD videos, I see many artifacs on screen.
This happends only on windows media player.
No problems found on VLC, winamp, or other softwares.
I have tried to install additional codecs like klite, etc. but the problem is still there.
I can still see HD videos without any problems because I have other programs like I have mentioned before.
New installation of windows doesn't work on fixing this problem.

I am just curious :
1. What could be the cause?
2. Can it be fix, and how?


Oct 24, 2009
WMP sucks butt when it comes to HD... lol Sorry but it does. I cant get it to work on mine, i find that the playback is choppy.

1.) It MIGHT be your video card VS your CPU... Ive ran into this problem a many time.

2.) Make sure your video card/CPU is up to date. Try to minimize anything running anything running in the background. mmmm Use VLC :). I love VLC. Its my hero lol.
1. Always up to date for the driver and windows.
2. The proc and graphic card don't seem to be the problem HD4570 and T6600 should handle those with no problem.
BTW : those artifacts can only be found on win media player. No problem with winamp, VLC,and other programs, I didn't have this problem under Vista and XP.
I am just seems that WMP is really bad for HD films.
Yup..WMP PC has also the same problem...
BTW : K-Lite doesn't help...
Windows should really look into this matter...
No problems with VLC and even no problemo with media player classic...
The only problem is only WMP...just WMP...
I am not using WMP anymore...hehehehehe
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