(i added in paint the other artifacts in the middle of the pic) Iam playing Far Cry3 on 1080p almost maxed out graphics even if i lower them artifacts still stay, never got more than 70C on the videocard and 70C on the processor. My pc specs: Asrock z97 aniversary Pentium G3258 4.2ghz OC; Sapphire Toxic r9 280x stock; 550w psu Segotep(the only i found under 80$ with 2 8pin connector for the videocard) 8gigs of ram. everything started few days ago when i bought new monitor and downloaded fallout4, before that i havent seen any artifacts btw i got milions of errors in OCCT (pic) any ideas where is the problem? dying card?
yeah card issue or might be ur cpu throttling u back a bit to i'd say tho be ur card running into issues amd style cards have the issues of failing hence why i only stick with nvidia
Try lowering the clock speed on your GPU, move the power limit to 100% if not already (Radeon Crimson will display 100% power limit as 0%, meaning no change to stock power limit).
i forgot to say it doesnt give any errors under 70C but when it pass 70C errors start to rain. Is there a chance i dont get enought power cuz i have seen moments when my pc's LED tapes flashes.