I am truly honestly trying to buy an NVIDIA GPU.
I am really trying hard
Every time there is a decent show like IFA or CES, I try to go or at least follow most press conferences and follow up on the new tech or releases.
It is now since 2010 that i simply couldnt switch to use NVIDIA products there ws aways other solutions that did the job way far better and way more convenient from a wallet and amortization point of view on a 5 year life span.
Having said so I must now admit that after this 2015 CES 780 Ti and Titan card have become very valuable to Me, for the simple reason that the new 900 series suck compared to them.
I might maybe switch to a couple of 990 if they will come out anytime soon and have any double precision power that is better than old kepler consumer stuff(which by the way works much better than the professional stuff)
If You ask me why ... My buddy here at my side has tesla k6000 and titan, and titan outperforms all the pro cards when it comes to raytracing, hes running on 32 threads.
*(HyperQ matters here.HyperQ apparently is enabled in all new maxwell gpus, this is why You get such a better performance if u running multi threaded cpus , even if the GPU chip itself is basically a native bad born kepler chip.)
Anyhow.......This is just simply due to the pro cards having a clock rate that will lower once the cards get hot, while You can control the fan speed on the titan card You cannot do the same on the pro cards thus making the titan outperform the pro cards even if all the hyperQ lanes are not fully enabled.
Liquid cooling would most likely solve the issue however Im pretty sure that You would all agree that You certainly not willing to give up on warranty on over 8k worth hardware.
On the heavy stuff we use this http://amfeltec.com/august-2014gpu-oriented-pcie-expansion-cluster-from-amfeltec-is-in-production/ lots of gpus lots of noise but yeah cuda is cute sometimes if u can set it up taiwan style with old stuff that costs nothing. We dont even care for the dust or to clean that .
In the year of 4k at 60hz, where 4k is affordable even at true cinema 4096x2160, Nvidia as usual has NOTHING to offer at CES but pathetic tegra chips for cars ,in a world where intel doubles its computing power every 13 months.
Nvidia has nothing more than getting High end kepler cards out of the market to promote 900 series trash!*(wont comment on their tesla k80 for WW1 workstations) thus cheating their shareholders.
Good lord nobody is even buying Iphones any more, no one will spend a dime on any tegra chip!
Even Sony with their xperia phones do better than NVidia when it comes in dealing with 4k content.
4k is NOTHING new, We have been working on 4k content for over 2 year now and have some collegue working on 8K currently too!
So why NVIDIA HAS NOTHING TO OFFER FOR 4k 2014/5 clients?!
There is NO sense at all to have two gpus to be able to run one single monitor...even less to spend more money for any gpu than a monitor or EVEN WORSE your whole computer itself!.
If LG set the price for a true cinema 4k 4096x2160 monitor at 1300 dollars any upcoming replacement for gtx titan z should cost at LEAST half the price of the monitor any pricing above that just proof that nvidia has nothing to offer for current technology available in the market.
For those of You who didnt understand I will repeat.... if the most expensive monitors costs 1300 dollars and the cheapest costs 500 dollars, the single gpu running it should cost from the lowest end one 250 dollars, to the top end one 650 dollars not a DIME MORE!
If You cannot produce GPus at these prices for mass then You SUCK!, Your company sucks, Your project manager sucks, Your software engineers suck and You as CEO suck too and should be removed for incompetence.
So In few words You should be able to have for example a gtx 960 which is a a low end acceptable card for 250 dollars yes BUT it should be able to manage 4k ALONE! While the top end card EG a Titan maxwell should cost 650 dollars and should offer the maximum computing power possible on a single gpu ON 10 BIT colour depth not only in direct x but on a 10 bit professional monitor, while a TITANz 990 instead should offer a lower tdp solution for dual gpu computing capability, where space for example in a workstation is very very limited.*(and yes cost 30to 40% more since sharing same PCB, not 3thosuand dollars to then lower ur undies and try to sell at 1500!.
Even a simple gtx 980 which is fairly an expensive GPU should be able to manage at least common fake 4k 3840x2160monitors running at 60hz at maximum setting offering at least 45 FPS in the most intensive and heavy benchmark test or game.
PAUSE....You run 1080p???? Then You dont need more than a 750ti or even a fashion victim mac laptop running on bootcamp so go read some other post, this is not relevant to You.
8k and DP1.3 are behind the corner, there is no way pascal will be launched in 2016 as maxwell hasnt been launched early 2014 as on Nvidia s roadmap....Im certainly going to enjoy Intel skylake xeons by then as that is My next CPU upgrade...
It was bad news already for professionals to see the Quadro refresh offer old kepler bad born, crippled gpus which are not double precision enabled on most of the refresh line.
All this means to me that by the time Nvidia will have something decent to offer for modern current hardware, we will have so much computing power by intel that we will NOT need gpus at all anymore.
You guys better stick to old stuff even if used, if You can find it ....and keep Your money tight in the pocket , there is absolutely NO convenience at all to buy 980 or 970 cards, if you need to run more than one gpu then the old stuff is a way far better deal with way more computing performance. You never know You might eventually need that!
If it comforts You NO one is buying gtx 980s NO one is buying gtx 970 either. This why they have not released new titan cards as old ones are still abundantly available around.
People sticking to their old gpus and are just waiting for single 4k solutions that wont cost more than the monitor...thats a fact!*especially considering that most of these monitors are 10 bit displays.
What You gonna do sell pro cards to gamers? or cripple double performance on GTX as You just did on Your new MONSTER GPus?!...ehm AMD might not conform to Your solutions.....
better hold fast Jen...
.....time to wake up Jen, with nasdaq at an historical high, oil at a low, interest rates under Your feet, future doesnt seem too bright in this moment for You!
Right!!!.....made in taiwan.
I am really trying hard
Every time there is a decent show like IFA or CES, I try to go or at least follow most press conferences and follow up on the new tech or releases.
It is now since 2010 that i simply couldnt switch to use NVIDIA products there ws aways other solutions that did the job way far better and way more convenient from a wallet and amortization point of view on a 5 year life span.
Having said so I must now admit that after this 2015 CES 780 Ti and Titan card have become very valuable to Me, for the simple reason that the new 900 series suck compared to them.
I might maybe switch to a couple of 990 if they will come out anytime soon and have any double precision power that is better than old kepler consumer stuff(which by the way works much better than the professional stuff)
If You ask me why ... My buddy here at my side has tesla k6000 and titan, and titan outperforms all the pro cards when it comes to raytracing, hes running on 32 threads.
*(HyperQ matters here.HyperQ apparently is enabled in all new maxwell gpus, this is why You get such a better performance if u running multi threaded cpus , even if the GPU chip itself is basically a native bad born kepler chip.)
Anyhow.......This is just simply due to the pro cards having a clock rate that will lower once the cards get hot, while You can control the fan speed on the titan card You cannot do the same on the pro cards thus making the titan outperform the pro cards even if all the hyperQ lanes are not fully enabled.
Liquid cooling would most likely solve the issue however Im pretty sure that You would all agree that You certainly not willing to give up on warranty on over 8k worth hardware.
On the heavy stuff we use this http://amfeltec.com/august-2014gpu-oriented-pcie-expansion-cluster-from-amfeltec-is-in-production/ lots of gpus lots of noise but yeah cuda is cute sometimes if u can set it up taiwan style with old stuff that costs nothing. We dont even care for the dust or to clean that .
In the year of 4k at 60hz, where 4k is affordable even at true cinema 4096x2160, Nvidia as usual has NOTHING to offer at CES but pathetic tegra chips for cars ,in a world where intel doubles its computing power every 13 months.
Nvidia has nothing more than getting High end kepler cards out of the market to promote 900 series trash!*(wont comment on their tesla k80 for WW1 workstations) thus cheating their shareholders.
Good lord nobody is even buying Iphones any more, no one will spend a dime on any tegra chip!
Even Sony with their xperia phones do better than NVidia when it comes in dealing with 4k content.
4k is NOTHING new, We have been working on 4k content for over 2 year now and have some collegue working on 8K currently too!
So why NVIDIA HAS NOTHING TO OFFER FOR 4k 2014/5 clients?!
There is NO sense at all to have two gpus to be able to run one single monitor...even less to spend more money for any gpu than a monitor or EVEN WORSE your whole computer itself!.
If LG set the price for a true cinema 4k 4096x2160 monitor at 1300 dollars any upcoming replacement for gtx titan z should cost at LEAST half the price of the monitor any pricing above that just proof that nvidia has nothing to offer for current technology available in the market.
For those of You who didnt understand I will repeat.... if the most expensive monitors costs 1300 dollars and the cheapest costs 500 dollars, the single gpu running it should cost from the lowest end one 250 dollars, to the top end one 650 dollars not a DIME MORE!
If You cannot produce GPus at these prices for mass then You SUCK!, Your company sucks, Your project manager sucks, Your software engineers suck and You as CEO suck too and should be removed for incompetence.
So In few words You should be able to have for example a gtx 960 which is a a low end acceptable card for 250 dollars yes BUT it should be able to manage 4k ALONE! While the top end card EG a Titan maxwell should cost 650 dollars and should offer the maximum computing power possible on a single gpu ON 10 BIT colour depth not only in direct x but on a 10 bit professional monitor, while a TITANz 990 instead should offer a lower tdp solution for dual gpu computing capability, where space for example in a workstation is very very limited.*(and yes cost 30to 40% more since sharing same PCB, not 3thosuand dollars to then lower ur undies and try to sell at 1500!.
Even a simple gtx 980 which is fairly an expensive GPU should be able to manage at least common fake 4k 3840x2160monitors running at 60hz at maximum setting offering at least 45 FPS in the most intensive and heavy benchmark test or game.
PAUSE....You run 1080p???? Then You dont need more than a 750ti or even a fashion victim mac laptop running on bootcamp so go read some other post, this is not relevant to You.
8k and DP1.3 are behind the corner, there is no way pascal will be launched in 2016 as maxwell hasnt been launched early 2014 as on Nvidia s roadmap....Im certainly going to enjoy Intel skylake xeons by then as that is My next CPU upgrade...
It was bad news already for professionals to see the Quadro refresh offer old kepler bad born, crippled gpus which are not double precision enabled on most of the refresh line.
All this means to me that by the time Nvidia will have something decent to offer for modern current hardware, we will have so much computing power by intel that we will NOT need gpus at all anymore.
You guys better stick to old stuff even if used, if You can find it ....and keep Your money tight in the pocket , there is absolutely NO convenience at all to buy 980 or 970 cards, if you need to run more than one gpu then the old stuff is a way far better deal with way more computing performance. You never know You might eventually need that!
If it comforts You NO one is buying gtx 980s NO one is buying gtx 970 either. This why they have not released new titan cards as old ones are still abundantly available around.
People sticking to their old gpus and are just waiting for single 4k solutions that wont cost more than the monitor...thats a fact!*especially considering that most of these monitors are 10 bit displays.
What You gonna do sell pro cards to gamers? or cripple double performance on GTX as You just did on Your new MONSTER GPus?!...ehm AMD might not conform to Your solutions.....
better hold fast Jen...
.....time to wake up Jen, with nasdaq at an historical high, oil at a low, interest rates under Your feet, future doesnt seem too bright in this moment for You!
Right!!!.....made in taiwan.