Question ASC (AORUS Static Control)

Apr 26, 2022
I have recently bought an AORUS FO48U and try to run some experiments using this monitor with MATLAB. The problem is although I keep pressing some keys, the screen brightness automatically reduces after 5 minutes. I guess MATLAB doesn't allow the talk between the keyboard and the computer while running the code so the screen brightness reduces after 5 min inactivity. I know that I suppose to turn off ASC (AORUS static control) but there is no ASC option in the settings list (I used remote control)- Is there anyone who achieves deactivating this option??


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

= = = =

The dimming may not be the monitor.

Perhaps the OS, the GPU drivers, or perhaps some power or screen saver. Maybe some other app or utility running in the background.

Try another known working (not dimming) monitor.

Try the FO48U on another known working computer.

Determine if the dimming problem follows the monitor or stays with the MATLAB hosting computer.