Asetek Closed Loop Cooler, and Fan Setup for best airflow


Mar 9, 2016
So I have a standard Asetek closed loop water cooler. And I also have 3 fans. What is the best way to configure the 3 fans and the radiator for the best airflow possible? Right now I have one at the front of the case pulling air into the system. And at the back I have The radiator sandwiched between the other two fans. Both directing air flow to the back of the case and out the exhaust port on the back. One fan pushing air into the radiator and one pulling it out. Is that the best way to go about it? Please let me know.
Yep. Maybe add another intake and top exhaust to help the rest of the case...depends on your gpu. Anything like a 970 or below probably ok. AMD 380 onwards may need a bit more case flow.

I don't have another place to put a fan, unless I cut a hole to make one somewhere. I have a Raidmax Cobra case. So if you know of another place to put a fan (other than the back or the front) I'd love to know about it. And I have a MSI 970